Grade 3 Excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens

Our Grade 3 students attended the Connecting to Country program at the Royal Botanical Gardens. The emphasis of the program was for students to understand diversity and the sustainable land practices used by indigenous Australians.

Students experienced making and using ochre paint, string making, and a hands-on exploration of tools. It was a wonderful Autumn day and all the students enjoyed the activities.

Grade 3 students at the Royal Botanical Gardens
Grade 3 students at the Royal Botanical Gardens
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Looking into Geography and Literacy in Grade 4


In Geography we will be concentrating on map skills. Students will be able to identify latitude and longitude on maps and globes.


Teaching Reading at year 4 emphasises the importance of quick and accurate recognition of words and phrases for reading fluency and comprehension. Students will engage in daily shared and modelled reading opportunities, where text is visible and students can focus on specific reading strategies to make them a better reader. Guided Reading is used to scaffold students as they read, to talk and think their way through a text that is at their instructional level. There will be an explicit focus this term for students to get their knowledge ready prior to reading texts. This will include teachers supporting students in creating pictures in their mind and brainstorming what they already know about a topic. Students will also develop a more comprehensive understanding of synonyms, particularly when replacing words within a title to assist them in getting their knowledge ready.

Grade 4 Camp to Lady Northcote

On the 20th of March, grade 4 students went to camp at Lady Northcote the Lady Northcote Recreation Camp is a one hour drive from the Melbourne CBD, close to Bacchus Marsh. On arrival students were given a chance to explore their sleeping quarters and surroundings. Students were put into 6 separate groups and took part in their first two activities. Students participated in activities such as; Giant Swing, Archery, dual flying fox, short games Initiative / Group Dynamics: various activities and challenges focusing on group dynamics, problem solving, trust, leadership, planning and teamwork. Students enjoyed themselves thoroughly and worked well within their groups. We would like to thank everyone that has taken part of this camp and helped throughout the activities.

Grade 4 Team